Color Minus Color (No. 17)

A bright, modern, half square triangle quilt.

Another quilt made for a Curated Quilts Mini Challenge! This quilt was made for the HST/Subtraction Issue and was not accepted (if you have been reading about my various quilts in the gallery, there is a lot of rejection!). I chose the backing fabric because it was made shortly after quarantine started and these looked like the coronavirus spike proteins to me.

A quilt back showing facing.
Quilt backing.

Initially and as usual, I didn’t like the color palette. However, after I mocked up this design in Adobe Illustrator it began to grow on me. There was a method to my color placement as seen below. Each color was matched up with a grey that had a similar value and placed in the opposite position in the design. There was one exception where I made a swap, marked by the X’s, because the Silver and Breeze color values were too close. I ended up liking this design so much I made a larger version and two as gifts!

Adobe Illustrator design mock up using colored and grey triangles.
Adobe Illustrator design mock up.
Adobe Illustrator design mock up with color placement.
Adobe Illustrator design mock up with color placement strategy.

The Details

  • Finished Size: 12″ x 12″
  • Fabric Front: Kona Peony, Breeze, Orangeade, Sunny, Silver, Graphite, Shadow, & Charcoal
  • Fabric Back: I’m not sure it was from my small stash
  • Binding: Faced using the same backing fabric
  • Batting: Hobbs 80/20 Bleached
  • Thread: Aurifil Dove (2600)
  • Shows: None
  • Publications: None
  • Awards: None